Fairtrade Fortnight starts today and to kick it off we held a whole school assembly. All the pupils and staff in the school have decorated a panel of bunting made from fairtrade cotton. Fairtrade cotton is being highlighted in this year's campaign. Here are some of our P2 pupils with some of the bunting panels. They will be sent off and joined with other bunting to try and make the longest fairtrade bunting in the world!
We learned more about cotton farmers during our assembly. We learned how cotton grows, the challenges faced by farmers and ways in which we can help. Cotton farms take up 2.4% of farming land worldwide, yet cotton farming uses 50% of the pesticides used in farming overall. This is not good news for our environment. Some of us are heading along to coffee mornings in Bridge of Weir and Houston over the coming weeks to share the fairtrade work from our school. We are designing a quiz to spread the facts about fairtrade to more people. We will also be opening our Fairtrade Cafe to our families, parishioners and community before the end of term so watch the school website for more details.
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