Tuesday 13 September 2011

Primary 3 Cake and Candy

P3 are currently working on their Roald Dahl topic. To celebrate Roald Dahl Day today they planned and ran their very own Cake and Candy sale. Each pair of pupils ran their own "Cake Shop" and were responsible for presenting their cakes, pricing them and selling to the rest of the school. As their current maths topic is "money", they got the chance to try out their learning with a real life task. They were ably supported by our new Pupil Council reps. Primary 3 wore their special hats representing characters from the novel they are reading together, "James and the Giant Peach". They chose this book as it's 50 years old this year. Thanks to all who made donations of cakes and who came along to buy from them today. £133.50 was raised and P3 will be sending half away to charity and they will be using the other half to buy some additional language resources for their class.

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